Humanity owes part of its development to mastering the technique of using the metals at its disposal.

For more than 5000 years, man has used copper and bronze. When humanity began using iron 3,000 years ago, it made impressive progress that changed the way people lived and their quality of life.

Aluminum has a much more recent history as it was only in the 19th century that techniques for obtaining it in sufficient quantities for global use began to be mastered.

Due to its high recycling capacity, its availability in nature and its low weight, aluminum is the metal of the present and with a high potential for the future.

Mikraltek wants to actively participate in the transformation of society in the Aluminum Age, positioning itself as an example of responsible and efficient use of resources in order to contribute to increasing the type of applications this material can have.

We are an aluminum extruder that has just started operating in Águeda.

We currently have a 1,300MT extrusion press for 7-inch (178mm) billets and another with 1,000MT for 5-inch (127mm) billets, which allows us to have a unique offer in the Portuguese market.

Although we can produce other types of profiles, we are focused on standard profiles or those weighing less than 900g/ml.

We are open to challenges from our customers so that they can offer the production of their own profiles that are thinner or have a low weight per linear meter, which are often not appreciated by traditional extruders.



Mikraltek intends to establish itself as a reference in the development of aluminum profile solutions with high standards of demand and rigor. Designed for profiles with more rigorous dimensional requirements, Mikraltek is a differentiating factor serving the national and international industry.


The first ones to be pressed before our presses, initial initial costs will be comparatively lower. This fact may allow pre-series or commercial experiments to be carried out prior to mass production. it is equally viable to produce profiles for the work or project carried out.


When it becomes possible to reduce the thickness of the profile without the customer's low cost or the quality perceived by the customer, we obtain a higher unit cost per linear meter.


As a rule, they have fewer restrictions, which leads to narrower dimension variances in the profile and can be narrower and can have more tolerances.


By working with thinner thicknesses than the market, this allows development equipment to create with fewer creative restrictions. We currently produce profiles with a weight of 66g/ml.


Using lighter profiles and the use of raw materials and the respective carbon dependencies associated with both the raw material and the production of the profile.


Mikraltek is a young company dedicated to the extrusion of aluminum alloys.

We are based in Águeda, an important industrial center with a proven track record in European and world metalworking.

Our aim is to develop aluminum profiles with our customers that meet their needs for greater efficiency, tailored to their specific requirements, avoiding the unnecessary use of raw materials and, consequently, energy.

We operate from a perspective of responsible use of resources.

Due to the type of equipment and work philosophy, we target users who require more rigorous and ambitious specifications for their products.





A Qualidade é um fator critico em qualquer processo industrial: a definição das monitorizações adequadas à atividade e a seleção de recursos humanos munidos das competências adequadas ao processo de extrusão são considerações cruciais para a eficácia do sistema de gestão de qualidade. Desta forma, podemos manter os padrões de qualidade elevados e com isso, garantir a satisfação dos clientes. Estamos alinhados com os princípios de melhoria continua e objetivos de sustentabilidade. A Mikraltek está certificada de acordo com a norma NP EN ISO 9001, e cumpre todos os requisitos no âmbito da produção e comercialização de perfis de alumínio por extrusão, micro extrusão e respetivo tratamento de superfícies (Anodização e Lacagem).


A MIKRALTEK tem como prioridade a total satisfação de todas as partes interessadas, através da melhoria continua da eficácia do Sistema de Gestão da Qualidade em todas as fases do processo, assegurar a rentabilidade e desenvolvimento do negócio, cumprindo com os requisitos legais, normativos e contratuais dos clientes, com o compromisso de reduzir os custos da não qualidade, aumentar a produtividade, respeitar o ambiente e procurar novos projetos e desafios, com especial foco em perfis técnicos e de baixas espessuras.


Mikraltek aims to become a benchmark in the development of aluminum profile solutions with high standards of demand and rigour. Focused on profiles with more stringent dimensional requirements


Humanity owes part of its development to mastering the technique of using the metals at its disposal. Man has been using copper and bronze for over 5,000 years. When mankind started using iron 3,000 years ago, it made impressive progress that changed the way people lived and their quality of life.

Aluminum has a much more recent history, as it was only in the 19th century that the techniques for obtaining it in sufficient quantities for global use began to be mastered.

Due to its high recyclability, its availability in nature and its light weight, aluminum is the metal of today and has great potential for the future.

 Mikraltek wants to actively participate in the transformation of society in the Age of Aluminum by positioning itself as an example of responsible and efficient use of resources in order to contribute to the increase in the type of applications this material can have.

Mikraltek is a differentiating factor at the service of the national and international industry.


We can supply aluminum profiles in the following alloys 


Other alloys on request

In accordance with EN 573-3, we can give profiles T0, T4, T5 and T6 thermal finishes.

We can supply your profiles in bars up to 7 meters long, raw, anodized or lacquered.

Due to the philosophy adopted and the extrusion technique, we have reduced the initial costs of the process, which will allow us to produce a greater number of pilot productions.

We are available to study your specific case.

In addition to customer-specific products, we are developing a set ofstandards adapted to a wide range of uses.




MIKRALTEK - Unipessoal, Lda.

Av. do Emigrante, Nº 1896
Zona Industrial de Alagôa
3750-171 Águeda - Portugal
40.59057168791205, -8.441851927640993

T.+ 351 234 038 695 rede fixa nacional

C. SOCIAL 2.500.000,00€
Matr. Reg. Com. de Águeda Nº 515 270 890

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